Being "tough but caring" while I practiced law, I would continue that philosophy as your state representative. I will steer Kansas towards a brighter future where our legislature actually represents its constituency. Our public officials should have integrity and be creative problem solvers. I will fight fair and hard for you. No Kansan should tolerate bullies, liars, and cheats in our government. My legacy is tied to Kansas’s success, and I refuse to surrender our citizens to extremists or lawbreakers.

Drawing from my extensive legal background, including tenure as a public defender, a prosecutor, judge, litigator, and mediator, I understand our justice system. Beyond my professional accomplishments, I am a dedicated mom, wife, author, and Boy Scout leader. Every role I’ve had has enriched me and made me a better person, someone worthy of your trust. Together, we can lift up every corner of Kansas.


1. Protecting Reproductive Rights.

I am Catholic, but I’m Pro-Choice. Here’s why: after nearly dying during the delivery of my first child, I cannot, in good conscience, force another to undergo that experience, especially if they don’t want to become a parent.
Deciding when and if one should start a family is complicated—far too complicated for anyone else to second-guess.

2. Expanding Medicaid for 151,898 Kansans, including 45,448 children and 106,450 elders.

Nearly 68,000 Kansans are currently living without health insurance. This alarming number includes hardworking individuals and families who, despite their efforts, find themselves trapped in a healthcare gap. Some are employed in jobs that don’t offer health insurance, while others earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to afford the subsidized coverage under the Affordable Care Act. This gap leaves many Kansans vulnerable and without medical care.

Seventy percent of those who would benefit from Medicaid expansion are the working poor—individuals who are employed, contributing to our economy, but still unable to access basic healthcare services. These are our neighbors, friends, and community members who face the impossible choice between paying for medical bills or meeting essential living expenses. The remaining 30% who would gain coverage include parents with children at home, individuals with disabilities, and college students striving to build a better future. These groups are particularly vulnerable and often face significant health challenges.

3. Fully fund Special Education and General Education.

Our current funding for special education is inadequate, leaving many students without the necessary support to thrive. By investing in special education, we can provide essential resources like specialized instruction and therapies. Similarly, robust funding for general education is crucial. It allows for reduced class sizes, updated materials, and comprehensive curriculums that include STEM, arts, and extracurricular activities. This investment helps bridge the achievement gap and creates equal opportunities for success.

Fully funding education is not just fair—it’s an investment in our state's future. Educated individuals contribute positively to society, pursue higher education, and enter the workforce as skilled professionals. Ensuring equity in education can also break the cycle of poverty and promote social mobility. As your representative, I will prioritize education funding to provide an exceptional education for every child. Together, we can build a brighter future where every student reaches their full potential.

4. I will be your Climate Warrior

Our children deserve a world filled with clean air, pure water, and healthy soil. It's heartbreaking to imagine a future without these essential elements for their well-being.

Protecting our planet for future generations starts with small steps. Every action counts in safeguarding our children's future. Together, we can build a cleaner, brighter future for our state. As your representative, I'm committed to leading the charge.


The AFL-CIO and the United Teachers of Wichita (UTW) have both endorsed Tracy Edingfield, highlighting their support for her candidacy and commitment to advancing workers' rights and educational excellence.

I wholeheartedly endorse Tracy Edingfield for State House representative district 90. She proved to be a valuable warrior in the Thompson Army, and I’m glad to call her friend.
- James Thompson, former candidate for Congressional District 4

I have known Tracy for a very long time. In that time, she has always been a hard worker, a loyal friend, and a fighter for all. I have no doubt that Tracy will be the best candidate for any job at hand. Her intelligence and integrity will be a breath of fresh air in the political climate of the time we live in. She now, and will always, have my vote!
-Brian Dody, Wichita

Tracy is a very competent, caring, and charismatic person who will serve the community well. -Tammie Nelson, M.D., Wichita

I wholeheartedly endorse Tracy Edingfield for State House Representative for District 90. I think she will be a valuable asset in our state legislature.
-Representative KC Ohaebosim, Wichita

I can think of no one more well-suited for such an honor as House Representative than Tracy Edingfield. She is smart, funny, and passionate about making Kansas a healthy and thriving place for everyone. She will represent you with honesty and integrity and you will be proud you chose her for District 90.
-Joni Cole, Attorney, Kansas City

Tracy’s unwavering commitment to fight for others is unparalleled. She is a trusted advocate for doing what’s right and strengthening communities.
-Alan Burkett, Wichita

Tracy Edingfield is the epitome of dedicated leadership. With unwavering passion and experience, she tirelessly fights for us, ensuring our voices are heard and our rights are protected. Tracy embodies the essence of public service, and I proudly endorse her for her continued commitment to her community.
-Connie Thomson Bass, Aurora, Colorado

I’ve known Tracy for 40+ years. She is straight-forward, hard- working, and honest. She will represent District 90 well. -Vaugh Gray, Meza, Arizona

As the previous Mayor and Councilmember of Valley Center KS. It is time to elect someone to the Kansas House in District 90 who will work for the people and not the a selected few. Tracy will fight for what is right for the citizens of the 90 th District. I fully endorse Tracy Edingfield for Kansas House of Representatives in the 90th district.
-Lou Cicirello

Important Links for Kansans

To register online to vote. Process takes appx. 3 minutes:

Another online registration process:

How to volunteer to work Elections:

How to be a 16-17 year old Student volunteer to work Elections:

How to donate blood:

Locate your polling place:

Local governments:

For transportation services, Contact

Volunteer with the United Way at

To donate money for the Valley Center Cemetery flagpole, mail check to:
Flagpole Donation
PO Box 393, Valley Center, KS 67147

If you would like to donate, please do so here:

($500 max on donations.)

I am deeply grateful for your generous donations to my campaign. Your support and belief in my vision means the world to me. Together, we can make a real difference. Thank you for standing with me.

Join the Fight!

Deadline to register to vote is July 16th.
Primary deadline is August 6th.

Get in touch


416 Valley Park Drive
Valley Center KS 67147

Tracy Edingfield © 2024

Web Design by Cybergael Creations

Paid for by Tracy Edingfield
R. Adam Dunn, Treasurer